Visiting Address:

Granösunds Fiskeläge 

Bulleråsvägen 320
in Södra Vallgrund

Phone: +358447265165


Open in 2024

June 26th to August 4th

Wednesdays - Sundays

11 am to 5 pm

Entrance 3 euro

Thursday evenings
June 27th to July 18th
5 pm to 8 pm


Other times at request

Call +358447265165


Program for the summer Thursday evenings, see Events

Welcome to Granösund Fishing Museum!


The museum consists of ten historical building moved there from different parts of the archipelago. Among others: two old living houses, boathouses with fishing boats and seal hunting equipment, a fisherman's cabin and a cattle house. The interior of each house is decorated with things typical to each house and time to tell a story of when the people in the archipelago typically lived of fishing, seal hunting and farming.

See a virtual guided tour through the museum here:

The entrance fee is 3 euro per visitor including guidance during opening hours. (Pay with cash only or Mobile Pay or credit card).

To book a guide for the museum on other times: call phone +358447265165 or by e-mail to
Bookings must be done at least two days in advance.

The fee starts at 30 euro for a private guidance on other times than opening hours for a group of up to 10 people. Bigger groups are 3 euro per person.

Coffee and homemade cinnamon buns on private bookings can be pre-ordered for 5 euro per visitor. Please state this in the booking.